Thursday, March 15, 2007

Starbucks Takes Over Instead of Wal-Mart

After further researching about walmart I hit a huge unbreakable brick wall, and I was forced to take a different approach. After doing more research about Sweden I realized that they have far too many small businesses for the government to accept walmart into Sweden. Therefore I had to start all over again, but after careful consideration I found another company that would have great success in Sweden, a company named Startbucks.

Starbucks offers an experience that envolves coffe of different blends, and has been successful all over the world. Since Sweden is a booming country that means that the pace is changing into a faster and faster rythm. This is where Starbucks fits in. Starbucks could offer the Swedish people different blends of coffe on the go however they like it. Right now Sweden does have some coffe places to go, but they are rather rare and only exists in the big cities in general. Cutlurally, coffe is one of the most important beverages to the Swedish people. And another reason I think it would work is because Sweden is slowly changing towards a more Americanized society. Some people even think that obiesity is soon to come with it as well.

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