Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Common Assignment

Host Company – Gain Vigor Trading. LTD China
Mainly imports waste paper from Europe and USA.

Supply chain costs: N/A
Annual report: N/A

Host Country
China’s import and export commodities.

Import (777.9 billion f.o.b. 2006 est.)
Machinery and equipment
Oil and mineral fuels
Optical and medical equipment
Organic chemicals
Iron and steel

Export (974 billion f.o.b. 2006 est.)
Machinery and equipment
Optical and medical equipment
Iron and steel

China’s trade partners - amount shown in US billions, and brackets indicate changes from the year 2004.

Export partners (2005):
United States = $162.9 (+30%)
Hong Kong = $124.5 (+23%)
Japan = $84 (+14%)
South Korea = $35.1 (+26%)
Germany = $32.5 (+37%)
Netherlands = $25.9 (+40%)
United Kingdom = $19 (+24%)
Singapore = $16.6 (+31%)
Taiwan = $16.6 (+22%)
Russia = $13.2 (+45%)

Import partners (2005):
Japan = $100.5 (+9%)
South Korea = $76.8 (+23%)
Taiwan = $74.7 (+15%)
United States = $48.7 (+9%)
Germany = $30.7 (+1%)
Malaysia = $20.1 (+11%)
Singapore = $16.5 (+18%)
Australia = $16.2 (+40%)
Russia = $15.9 (+31%)
Thailand = $14 (+21%)

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